Whether you’re creating a business from home, embarking on a new professional journey, entering into a new relationship or deciding on your next global adventure, the most important aspect to any of the decisions you make has a lot to do with why.

I see so many people go through life only semi-conscious, not fully aware of the possibilities around them. Making decisions becomes automatic and unconscious, avoiding going against the status quo or making waves.

When a woman is awakened to her greatness and the amazing opportunities that are endlessly provided to her everyday, it is a beautiful sight! She is energized, alert and eager to dance with the unknown.

When new entrepreneurs ask me how they can design a lifestyle they adore, I share with them my #1 secret to a wonderful life.

Start With Your Story

Living a turned-on life has nothing to do with what’s outside of you, but what’s inside that matters. What’s your story? What have you been through and why are you here? How did you get to this very moment, reading these words?

A lot of us have trouble living in the present, we often rarely look back on our past and spend the majority of time worrying about the future.

When we stop to reminisce, it connects us to source.

The experiences, stories and moments that have shaped your life thus far have you on a path – whether you like it or not – toward your destiny.

Starting with your story allows you to foster the feelings of connection and create context and meaning for your present experiences and future desires.

Which Brings Me To Why

What is it that guides you? What is your why?

You may answer money, family, prestige, stardom… there are countless reasons you continue on. But they are not your why.

A why is what gets you out of bed. A why is what ignites the spark within. A why is your lifeline to the divine.

It often has nothing to do with external gratification or things and usually all to do with that stuff that gets your heart singing and soul dancing.

Go back to that question about what is your why and dig deeper. What is it – REALLY – that matters to you? If all else was stripped away, only you and your why would remain.

When Designing Your Life, Return to Why

When deciding on a new job, adventure or relationship always go back to your why. It connects you to source. When making decisions from your place of passion and purpose, you are better able to make the decisions that will most positively effect you in the future.

4 Lifestyle Design Steps For Every Woman

1. Start with your story. Spend a little time honoring your journey and what’s brought you to this point. The good, the bad…find the gift that each experience has given you. If you are coming up with negative feelings, talk to a friend/coach or journal through them.
2. Connect to your why. Find what makes your heart sing and soul dance. Really feel into your passion and purpose in this lifetime. Your why is your greatest catalyst for success in any endeavor!
3. Check in before you make a decision. By being inline with your integrity, you honor your values by speaking and doing what matters most to you. Before any big decision take a moment to consider your values and why. By coming from a place of source, you can more easily make decisions.
4. Jump in with both feet. If all the above is said and true, and you’ve made your decision from a sense of source, then by all means jump in! You playing small or holding yourself back doesn’t help anyone and thwarts your grander mission to connect with your why. Stand up for what you believe in and go get ‘em!

Your turn- what steps do you take to create a life you love? Share in the comments below and let’s inspire one another to be great!

(Image Source: Top)

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