21 Day Fix creator Autumn Calabrese has released her newest fitness program 80 Day Obsession, and its nutrition plan is a little different than what we’ve come to expect from the Beachbody super trainer.

The program still uses the Portion Fix color-coded container system that you’ve all come to know and love, but this time Autumn is telling you which containers to eat at what time of day, producing some amazing results.

This system, also known as timed nutrition, is simply eating the right foods at the right time of day to help you fuel for and recover from workouts, build muscle, and keep your metabolism and energy levels high, optimizing muscle performance and recovery.

“But Lindsey, all of my food is going to the same place?  Who cares what time I eat it?”

Your body does.  You see, certain nutrients can only be absorbed in certain amounts at one time, so if you thought you could eat all four of your veggies at once just to get them out of the way, think again.  Your body will only process so much of those nutrients at one time before the rest becomes waste.

That’s right; all those extra veggies would be for nothing. 

The same goes for other nutrients.  Some are fat-soluble and some are water-soluble.  We can only utilize so much protein at one time.  Your body can only utilize so many carbohydrates before your body starts to store them as fat.

See?  It matters!

By spreading out your containers throughout the day and eating your macronutrients at the optimal time, you’ll experience the maximum benefits of the foods you eat.

So, how does it work? 

Well, it’s pretty simple. You have your Workout Block, which are the few hours before and after your workout.  Within that block, you’ll have your Pre Workout Meal 1 to 1 and a half hours before your workout.  If you’re using the Beachbody Performance Line, you’ll drink your Energize within 15-20 minutes of your workout, Hydrate during your workout, and Recover within an hour of finishing your workout.  You’ll enjoy your Post Workout meal within two hours of completing your workout.  You’ll need to eat specific containers during your meal times, and this is laid out for you in the 80 Day Obsession Meal Plan on Beachbody on Demand.

Outside of your workout block, you have three other meals to space out throughout your day.  The idea of the 80 Day Obsession meal plan is that you’ll enjoy small frequent meals and never go longer than 3 hours without eating.  Because you’ll be eating nutritionally-dense and fiber-rich foods at the optimal time of day, you’ll see that your cravings will diminish because you’ll be more satisfied throughout the day.  I don’t know about you, but it’s a lot easier for me to stay on track when I’m not feeling ravenous.

The program has three phases, and you’ll need to recalculate your containers before each phase begins so your containers can be adjusted accordingly using your weight and goal.  Around Phase 2, you’ll start getting a “Refeed Day” where you’ll get to indulge in extra carbs in order to build up your glycogen stores to prepare your body for the upcoming week.  Your “Refeed Day” will show up around week 6 and every few weeks after.  Hooray for extra carbs!

Yes, this seems like a lot.  But there’s a reason for this.  This program was specifically designed to target abs and booty while leaning out all over.  Autumn herself uses timed nutrition. And ladies, if a super trainer and Bikini Competitor uses timed nutrition, it’s worth committing to. 

Look, we all know that nutrition is the biggest part of the puzzle when it comes to our fitness goals.  You simply can’t outrun a bad diet.  This is especially true with 80 Day Obsession.  You’ll really need to buckle down because you can only get the best results of this program by following the nutrition plan. 

With your muscles being properly fueled by the right amount of macronutrients right when they need it, you’ll be setting yourself and your body up for some massive success.  Here are a couple more helpful tips to get you started with 80 Day Obsession:

  1. Meal Prep:  Make sure you’re prepped and ready to go each day, since the plan is so specific.  Make sure you are ready to take your meals on the go and invest in a small cooler to take with you.  Like most meal plans, preparation is key!
  2. Early Risers and Pre Workout Meal:  I get it.  If you get up at 5 a.m., the last thing you want to do is wake up at 4 to eat.  The 1 to 1.5 hour wait to workout after your meal is built in to give yourself time to digest before working out.  If you can handle it, you can absolutely eat closer to your workout time.  If the Pre Workout meal is too much for you, you can also swap it out for your Meal Option 1, which is just a red and a purple.  This might be a great time to use your Shakeology!
  3. Set an Alarm:  Look, most of us don’t eat every 3 hours.  It’s really easy to get caught up at work or chasing the kids around.  Try setting alarms on your phone, tablet, etc. to remind you to get your meals in.  After all, this program will work best when you follow it closely.

There you have it:  The basics of getting started with the 80 Day Obsession meal plan.  Give it a try.  Once you start seeing the results that come with timed nutrition, you just might find yourself a little obsessed!

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